Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let's get this thing started.

I have tried starting and maintaining blogs many, many times. But this time, I got the whole family involved. Maybe they'll help keep me accountable to this! (Mainly Steven, because Ezra is just now forming sentences, mainly about Buzz and choo-choos.)

Allow me to catch you up on the Toney family. First, here we are:

This is outside of Steven's grandfather's church for his 80th birthday party back in October. It's the best, most-recent family picture we have.

Now for family information:

I (Stephanie) have been teaching 3rd grade at Evansville Christian School for 6 years.

Steven, after a job loss and more than a year of multiple part-time jobs, has been working for 7 months as a corrections officer at Warrick County Jail. He loves it!

Ezra was born on March 3, 2009. So he'll be 2 in just a couple of months! This kid is the joy in our lives. He is SO funny. He is incredibly busy, always running around our house and getting into trouble. He says the funniest things! For example...yesterday we took down our Christmas tree while Ezra napped. When he woke up, he noticed the tree was missing. We asked him where it went. His response? "Christmas tree go potty." Not quite, little guy, but REALLY funny!

We go to church at Crossroads, which we love. It's huge. But we've managed to find a family within the thousands that attend there. We've been singing in the choir and with vocal team since we've been there. Most recently, Steven and I got to sing a song at the Christmas Eve service together. However, I'll be stepping down from those roles in 2011. Our church will be adding a 4th service this month. Ezra wouldn't last for five hours in a nursery!! So Steven will continue on with the worship ministry, and I'll start doing more with the middle school and high school choirs.

I think that's all that you need to know as background information. I'll have more posts soon about our Christmas and our New Year's "goals." Until then....

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